MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048

Jason Colon

Interim Chief of Police

Jason Colon Image

Interim Chief of Police Jason Colon is a police officer with over 26 years of experience.

He began his career in 1997 and has since worked for several police services, including the Dakota Ojibway Police Service, Kee Tas Kee Know Police Service, Winnipeg City Police, Blood Tribe Police Service, and Manitoba First Nations Police Service.

Throughout his career, Jason has held many roles and is currently serving as an Inspector for the Manitoba First Nations Police Service.

He holds a Bachelor of Policing Degree from Charles Sturt University and an Executive Masters in International Police Leadership from Charles Sturt University.

Jason is married and has five children and three beautiful grandchildren. He is a member of Norway House Cree Nation.


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