The MFNPS, like other police services in Canada, believes that most encounters with persons in crisis can be resolved peacefully in the interest of the individuals involved. That is why our approach parallels the model used by other police services in Manitoba. Our officers have training which supports their skills and abilities to deal with people is crisis.
Crisis intervention and de-escalation
Police officers are often the first responders on scene when an individual is experiencing a mental health crisis. Police have a critical role to play when responding and interacting with a person with a mental illness or a person in crisis.
While police officers are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose individuals, it is important for the police to have an understanding of mental illnesses, including the signs and symptoms of distress, in order to conduct effective risk assessments and de-escalate a mental health crisis, whenever it is tactically feasible.
Addressing the mental health needs of individuals and communities requires empathy, patience, and awareness on the part of first responders. Through crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques, many mental health crises can be managed with decreased risk to the individual, the public, and police officers.
These are some of the online support options for mental health in Manitoba. You can also find more resources at MHERC Manitoba – Community Leader in Mental Health Resources.
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