MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048
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We're Hiring

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For First Nations by First Nations

What Makes Us Different 

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About The MFNPS

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Request for Proposals: HQ Furniture

 The MFNPS is seeking proposals (FROM OFFICE SUPPLY VENDORS) to supply, deliver, and install furniture for the new Head Quarters building and to remove and dispose of any packaging materials and debris.


Who We Are

MFNPS-Manitoba First Nations Police Service - Two officers standing with Police cruiser

The Manitoba First Nations Police Service is hard at work in First Nation Communities across the province. All of the First Nations communities we serve have their own unique cultures and traditions. For this reason, our MFNPS organization is built by us, and for us, to honour and respect our cultures, our understandings and our traditions.

The Manitoba First Nations Police Service engages at all levels to meet community needs, using approaches that combines support, education, enforcement, and crime prevention.

Our foremost goal is to provide caring and trusted community responsive policing to be the police service of choice for First Nations communities in Manitoba.

We will soon be providing policing services to Brokenhead Ojibway Nation!

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For First Nation Communities

First Nations Communities - Heart with Feather Logo
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MFNPS History

MFNPS-Manitoba First Nations Police Service - Logo
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MFNPS-Manitoba First Nations Police Service - Detachments Logo
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Who We are

MFNPS-Manitoba First Nations Police Service -  Handshake Logo
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23 Aug, 2024
Long Plain First Nation, Manitoba
23 Aug, 2024
Manitoba First Nations Police Service Issues Warning
11 Jul, 2024
Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba
All News Articles


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